About localize-ui

This library is inspired by formatJS - a very common internationalization library.

So why another library when we already have a widely adopted project out there? Basically because I found formatJS to be not flexible enough for my needs.

Whats special about localize-ui?

It is very flexible - basically everything is done by defining formatter functions that can modify values before they get inserted into your texts.

localize-ui supports basic placeholder injection:

    const phrases = {
        'helloWorld': 'Hey, my name is {{username}}!'


        __('helloWorld', {
            username: 'Peter'

    // >> Hey, my name is Peter!

So this is straightforward - but it gets interesting if you make use of the formatter feature, which can be used to transform values before they end up in your text:

    const phrases = {
        'aboutMe': 'I like {{fruits, naturalList}}!'


        __('aboutMe', {
            fruits: ['apples', 'peas', 'bananas']

    // >> I like apples, peas and bananas!

Is this magic? Not at all - this template makes use of the built-in formatter function naturalList:

    function naturalList(value, settings){
        if (value.length === 1) {
            return value[0];
        const lastValue = value.pop();

        return value.join(settings.separator) + settings.finalSeparator + lastValue;

With formatter functions, everything is possible - from money and date formatting down to the precisest character placement to plural forms, listing of words and much more.

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